Leasing / Renting Your Condo

The Foxcroft Condominium Association complies with all fair housing laws and does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of their race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, age, sex, disability, familial status, marital status or sexual orientation

There are several important items that every investor-owner must consider before leasing his/her unit. Foxcroft Condominium Association has implemented and agreed to actively enforce the following rules:

  1. Do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, national origin or sex.
  2. Owners must show prospective tenants the Lease Rules and Regulations. This must be initialed by the prospective tenants to indicate they have seen it prior to completing the application.
  3. Owners must get a completed application from prospective tenants.
  4. A criminal background check and sex offender check must be conducted by the Owner, at the Owner’s expense, on all individuals 18 years of age and older before they may move into a Unit. All background checks must be Federal Credit Report Act compliant and, at a minimum, be conducted in each State that the individual has resided in the last ten (10) years and be conducted for each name the individual has used or been known by in the last ten (10) years.

    A receipt needs to be provided to the Association as proof that the report was done.

    Owners may not rent units or allow their units to otherwise be occupied by any individual who is a registered sex offender or who has any of the following reported on a criminal background check within the last (10) years:

    • Any sex related conviction
    • Any terrorist related conviction
    • Any illegal drug related conviction
    • Any gang related conviction
    • Any violent crime conviction
    • Any felony conviction involving a crime against persons or property
    • Active status on probation or parole resulting from any of the above
    • Owner will surrender a copy of any background check for the tenant/s that occupies the unit if a criminal act occurs or a fine of $200.00 will be imposed.

    An Owner may request a hearing before the Board if the applicant disputes information reported on a background check or if they wish to offer additional information regarding the results of a background check. Such a hearing will be scheduled as soon as practical.

  5. Every individual over the age of 18 residing in a Unit, other than the Owner, shall be considered a “tenant” and Lessee” of the Unit for purposes of these rules and their occupancy shall be subject to these rules.
  6. All leases must be in writing and for a period of not less than one year. All leases must be in conformance with, and make specific reference to, the legal documents of the Association. Owners must get the rules and regulations & Lease Rider signed by all tenants and must make it a part of their lease. The Owner is also required to submit a signed copy of the Lease Rider to the Foxcroft Condominium Association’s property management within 10 days of leasing their premises along with the Resident Information Form stating the number and name of all tenants, including children who will be residing at their unit. This information will also include the phone number of the unit, all work numbers, make & model of vehicles used by the occupants, and any allowed pets.
  7. All leases must be current. The management office must receive a copy of all updated leases & lease riders prior to the expiration date. Failure to do so will result in a fine. 1st notice an assessment fine of $25.00, 2nd notices an assessment fine of $50.00 and subsequent notices of the same violation assessment of $100.00 fine and any other recourse allowed by the Declaration, By-Laws or applicable Illinois Law.
  8. Sub-leasing is not allowed.
  9. If a tenant violates the documents or rules and regulations, the owner shall also be held responsible.
  10. Any violations of the Declarations, By-Laws or these Rules and Regulations may result in a flat or daily fine or in more serious situations, barring a tenant from moving in or eviction proceedings. All fines, costs and legal fees will be charged to the unit owner.
  11. Fines for actions of individuals shall be mitigated on a case by case basis (depending on the severity of the crime or damage and positive action taken regarding correction), with any decision made to be at the discretion of the Board and their decision shall be final and binding.
  12. These rules become effective December 8, 2008. All lease agreements signed prior to this date will be grandfathered in. Owners are immediately responsible for providing the Association with the number and name of all tenants who are residing in their unit on an updated Resident Information form. The name(s) should be the same as those on the lease. Owners are also responsible for providing their tenants with information regarding this program and letting them know that crime will not be tolerated at Foxcroft. The undersigned Lessor in the lease rider acknowledges that a background/criminal check has been completed.